Do you have anger building up inside of you caused by other people? Express it. Just please no names I dont want to get caught by the government.So enjoy yourself.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Ok. Teachers......Some are great, but the others not so much. I mean they need to understand people have bad days sometimes....Give the students a break. They get mad at one kid and take out their anger on everyone else. We're only human. Treat us like one! We are learning about our future! So teach in a way we can use it......It's all about TCAPs to them....Trying to get a good evaluation. While our lives are getting shorter and we learn nothing for our our future.



  1. seriously, some like the social studies (notice i didnt use a name!! =P) is about making sure that we do good so people think that she's doing a good job, but i mean wat the crap?? all she does is scream at us about how stupid we are and all the crap

  2. good job and I agree.Do you have anything to say Zaniac?

  3. Teachers sometimes act like dictators. They make you do this and that and during tests they're sticklers and sometiems they are so annoying!

    But there are good teachers that you need to appreciate and all.

    Good post.

    Can't wait for more.

